This month's Daring Baker's challenge was Chocolate Eclairs, chosen by Meeta K of "What's for Lunch, Honey?" and Tony of "Tony Tahhan". (Thanks guys, it was a learning experience, as always.) This was my second attempt at choux pastry (the first being the peppermint cream puff ring) and I've come to realize I'm not really feeling the love for cream puffs or eclairs.

It's been such a busy month, I barely got them made. I'm afraid I don't have any entertaining stories or witty discussion about them. (I know, I know...would I like some cheese to go with that whine, lol?)
As for the puffs... I made a peanut butter glaze for dipping the tops.

The only pictures I got were of the cream puffs and not the eclairs.

It was my first time making chocolate pastry cream and it turned out nicely and tasted good.

These kind of reminded me of peanut butter stalagtites, or maybe peanut butter board game pieces. Cute, huh?

Thanks so much for stopping by, and feel free to check out the other Daring Bakers and their creations.
If you'd like the recipe, you can visit Meeta or Tony's sites at the links above. For the peanut butter glaze, I didn't really measure, but the ingredients were approximately:
Peanut Butter Glaze
3 Tablespoons peanut butter
1/3 to 1/2 C. powdered sugar
milk to thin to desired consistency
Mix all ingredients well with a spoon. Adjust amounts to taste.
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