But that doesn't mean we can't make ice cream!

I like to think I'm not the type to follow trends. But there is one food blogging trend I simply couldn't help getting caught up in. Yes, folks, I could not resist the ice cream from "The Perfect Scoop" by David Lebovitz.
Oh sure, I've picked up the book more than once in the bookstore. I leafed through the pages, admiring all of those mouth-watering ice cream photos, chuckling at the witty stories. But no, I resisted! "I already have too many cookbooks" I told myself. Plus, I'm too cool to follow trends, right? (Right?)
But then, after about the fourth time of tempting myself, drooling over the book, I came across a recipe for Malted Milk Ice Cream.
Malted. Milk. Ice Cream?!?
There went my resistance (and supposed coolness). Out the window.

I did not pass go, I did not collect $200. No, I proceeded directly to the cash register at Borders and then the grocery store (how handy, it's right next door!) to pick up missing ingredients.
People, I am here to tell you, David knows his ice cream!

This ice cream is so good you may need a few minutes to yourself to recover after the first bite.
My normally reserved husband, who's typical comment gets no more exciting than "it's good" even said "this is really good".
So there you go. Ice cream instead of cake. You can find the recipe------> here, at the Amateur Gourmet site (along with a cute and funny musical ode to this ice cream).
I also try ... how to make it??????? i follow your recipes..
I just made one of David's recipes. Fantastic! :)
I just made that ice cream -- it's so good it's almost life changing. Oh, how I loved that ice cream! Great pictures.
malted chocolate is not my favorite flavor, but i must compliment you on the creaminess of that ice cream! sorry you're ovenless, but some might argue that the ice cream maker is the better apparatus anyway. :)
Bummer about your oven--but this ice cream looks delicious!
This is my absolute FAVORITE ice cream recipe from that book. Yours turned out so beautifully - i'm totally craving a scoop!
Oh! Unfortunately I do not have an ice cream maker...the one that you feature looks so delicious...yummie!
I broke down and bought the book a month or so ago, after all my ice cream making this summer. I started feeling bad that I was getting all of David's recipe off the internet instead of buying the book and I LOVE having the book. My gut, not so much. I'm going to have to try this malted milk one. Looks de-lish!
So far, my FAVORITE DL recipe from that book is his Philly style (no eggs) chocolate ice cream. To. Die. For. And you can add anything you want to it. Try it. (I'm playing Satan here, tempting you. ;)
In my opinion, ice cream is always better than cake. :P YUM!
Oh wow, this sounds good. I made the chocolate peanut butter ice cream from the book and it's awesome. This definitely is a trend worth joining!
What delicious icecream! Fitting for the summer.
Thanks so much everyone, for your kind words. They make my day!
Hampshire - if you look toward the bottom of my post, I say that "the recipe is----> here..." if you click on the word "here", it will take you to another site that includes the recipe.
I love malted milk. Thanks to this post, there goes my diet!
Every recipe I've made from this ice cream cookbook has been delicious, so it looks like I'll be marking another one. Malted milk flavor is one of my favorites.
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