Jayma of Two Scientists Experimenting in the Kitchen chose Brownie Buttons for this week's Tuesday's with Dorie recipe. I gotta say, Jayma, your pick ROCKED! This was the best brownie recipe we've done with TWD so far, if you ask me.

These brownies were devoured in about 30 minutes flat at my house. I'd say about half didn't even make it to the white chocolate dippin' part.

I dressed them up with some sanding sugar and sprinkles. My photos of chocolate treats usually end up so dull and boring, I figured I had to give these little guys a fighting chance at looking as good as they tasted.
I took mine out of the oven a few minutes before the lower baking time. They seemed almost done and I like them a little under done anyway. I think I got about 16 bites (can't remember exactly). Oh, and I left out the orange zest... why mess with chocolate when it's perfect already?
Speaking of orange, I made Orange Berry Muffins a few weeks ago, in my never-ending quest to catch up. This recipe was chosen waaaaay back in week 5 of TWD by Michelle of Sugar and Spice.

I sprinkled them with some basic streusel topping before baking.

They were very good! I only used half the orange zest called for and the orange taste was barely noticeable.
Oh, and before I sign off, let me share with you a visitor to our yard this week. Say hello to Mr. Black Rat Snake. (EWWWwww!) Although not poisonous (dear hubby says he's actually beneficial... um, OK) he scared the bejeesus out of me.

I'm guessing he was at least 3 feet long.
OK, if you want to check out the recipes, please pick up a copy of Dorie Greenspan's book "Baking, From My Home to Yours" or stop by either Jayma or Michelle's blogs.
Sssssssee you next week (get it? snake humor! har, har).
These look so rich and delicious. Not surprised they were gone so quickly!
Your desserts look very appetizing! That snake - not so much. Yikes. Glad he's not in my garden.
I agree with you totally.. one of the best brownie recipes we've tried so far. great job on the white chocolate dipping too. YUM!
Your bites are just adorable.
I didn't do the white chocolate on top, I made some icing instead.
Your sprinkled brownies are so cute and I love that muffin recipe. Reading this post makes me want to go make those right now! :)
PS Your pie looks adorable... sorry I didn't get to participate this time (I even had my Nutella Lovers Tart all planned out!)
Are we feeling a little patriotic these days? Rooting for the American red white and blue... or the French's??? LOL Kidding...
Those are super cute, and must have indeed, been a great success!
We loved these brownie buttons too - my only complaint is that the recipe didn't make enough of them! Yours are so pretty! Love those orange berry muffins too. Yup, pretty much lovin all of it (except for the snake!)
Gorgeous desserts!!! Love those little bite-sized brownies, yum!
here i was, enjoying some lovely photos of some glorious little nibbles, and then bam! snake central. i can't stand those things.
Your buttons look cute. I'm glad they were a success! Those muffins rock. They are one of the few TWD recipes I've made multiple times.
Cute brownies, the cupcakes look good too!
I did not need to see that snake..eeek! I LOVE your BB they are so pretty!
Everything looks delicious, except for the snake of course, altho I am sure other snakes find him delightful.
They look fantastic with those sprinkles. The snake? Not so much. Glad these were a hit at your house!
The muffins and brownies look great!
I'm glad you enjoyed these. Although brownies are loaded with fat, they're surprisingly dry sometimes.
omg, so glad we dont have snakes in NZ! your brownie buttons look very cute
They are so adorable!
I agree with you, one of the best brownie recipes we’ve try so far.
Lovely bakes! It's such a good idea to combine the TWD of the week with ones you want to catch up on - I would like to try that too - I have quite a few I missed and would like to post.
Your brownie buttons look really nice with the sssanding sssugar and sssprinkles on top! (I like your snake humor!) =)
Kudos on your Orange Berry Muffins too!
Yum to the buttons.
Yum to the muffins--I made those not too long ago and they are great!
And yuck to the snake. We had/have a snake exactly like that--about two years ago, he just showed up at the front door looking in the window. I'm not kidding. I freaked, because I had just been outside playing with the two little guys! He had been lurking at the front door. Yep, I called animal control. They wouldn't capture it, but the lady came out to tell me what kind it was, she told me it was a black rat snake and to be happy we "have him" (whatever!), and that he was eating our mice for us. I watched him slither off to the side of the house and into some rocks. Haven't seen him since then, but kids around the neighborhood said they have seen him. Sigh. I don't care for the reptile family!
And I did get the sssssilllyy snake humor! ;) Great post. "Our" snake was about 4 feet long. ewweeee!
I wish I had been so smart as to trim the baking time, mine were dry. Yikes! That's a big snake.
Oh man, party at your house! And all of the food is for me, right? :) It looks so good!
I LOVE the streusel topping you added to those buttons. Brownie plus streusel..OMG! As for the snake, I used to pick them up when I was a kid..thankfully they were small non-poisonous snakes..lol I think it's kind of cool that the snake is hanging out - probably due to smelling your wonderful baking and trying to find a way to 'slither' in for a bite..:P
Hi Jacque,
I would have DIED if that long snake had been in my yard--I hate snakes!! But your brownies and especially the orange berry muffins look delicious!!
I have a little something for you over at my blog: http://jilliciousdiscoveries.blogspot.com/2009/08/nice-surprise.html
Have a great day!
These are soo adorable!! I'd have freaked out if I'd seen a snake anywhere around me!
It is rather interesting for me to read the post. Thanks for it. I like such topics and anything connected to them. I definitely want to read a bit more on that blog soon.
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