I have a handful of Tuesday's with Dorie recipes to catch up on (baked over the last few months), so I figured I'd try a slightly different format today so as not to bore everyone to tears. In the spirit of third-grade homework assignments (which I get a lot of practice supervising these days (groan)), I thought I'd give a two-sentence summary of each recipe.
Sweet Potato Biscuits
Chosen by Erin of Prudence Pennywise
Recipe is HERE
(Since this is today's recipe, I'll splurge and give a five-sentence review...) I sat down to watch "The Secret Life of Bees" Saturday night and thought it ironic that some of the first words out of the saint-like character August Boatwright's mouth, upon meeting run-away Lily Owens, were something along the lines of "feel free to help yourself to the sweet potato biscuits". Ironic, considering I'd never heard of sweet potato biscuits before this week. I'm guessing the folks Down South have not only heard of them but have probably perfected them. Mine weren't exactly perfect... a bit dense and none too fluffy. But they tasted pretty darn good slathered with butter and I was even able to convince one of the kids to have one (after fibbing and tell him they were pumpkin biscuits... D'oh!)

Split Level Pudding
Chosen by: Garrett of Flavor of Vanilla
Recipe is HERE
I like the idea but didn't actually try this as I gave the one serving I made to my husband (he is really picky and thought this was just OK). I simplified the recipe and used my immersion blender rather than the food processor.

Hidden Berry Cream Cheese Torte
Chosen by: April of Abby Sweets
Recipe is HERE
Every time I took a bite my first thought was "this would taste great as a savory tart". The ingredients were surprisingly similar to the ill-fated Cottage Cheese Pufflets.

(Does this processed cottage cheese remind you of anything, TWD-ers?)

Bill's Big Carrot Cake
Chosen by: Amanda at Slow Like Honey
Recipe is HERE.
Seems like most of the TWD crowd loved this cake, but I still prefer my long-time carrot cake recipe. I'm guessing it would have been better as a full-size cake... I reduced it to one 4-inch cake layer and it almost seemed like there were too many mix-ins and not enough cake holding them together.

Okey, dokey! All caught up for now. As always, if you'd like to find these recipes at their source, please check out Dorie Greenspan's book "Baking, From my Home to Yours".
WOW! You are a mean baking machine these days, Jacque! I love the pun - ketchup! lol
Those all look lovely, I haven't done the carrot cake, and wish I had especially this time of year! The biscuits too... look nice and flaky! Well done!
How fun to do all that abking! I love all your pictures. Im glad the biscuits turned out, they look good!
You are just a whirlwind of baking today.
well, first of all i'd eat the carrot cake. that's my favorite cake. period. then, i'd devour the torte. i can't resist berried desserts. or cream cheese. the pudding would go next, followed quickly by the sweet potater biscuits (slathered with apple butter, if you please). yeah, this is good stuff.
Love all the baking you did. I wouldn't mind being at your house to help you finish those all off.
Man that's allot of catchup and everything looks yummy too!
I'm impressed! I have a few I want to catch up with, but only a few. Some things just wouldn't get eaten around here.
Hey Busy Girl, you did good! Everything looks lovely and it's interesting to read all your reviews. Well done.
You have been a busy baker! I loved the carrot cake!
Lots o' goodies, here.
SP Biscuits, okay. I made some with pumpkin and a sweet glaze--MMM!
That carrot cake is near the top of my list of TWD rewinds!
Wow, so much baking! Love them all..they all look so yummie. Would love to try the sweet potato biscuits!
I love all of your creations!
Wow! It must have been fun baking all those yummy dessert! I tried the cottage cheese torte before too and loved it.
Wow, it's treat day on Daisy Lane! Delicious!
I loved the hidden berry torte - and I agree with your analysis about the carrot cake. Mine sunk in the middle, although it did taste good.
The biscuits I just couldn't get into, I think I'm just a biscuit purist that way.
Wowza, that's a lot of desserts! They all look awesome! Are you going back and trying to bake everything that was made before you joined the group? I love the idea, but it's slow going for me.
Wow, that is a lot of catch-up (not ketchup :P ). Everything looks great.Even the biscuits.
Well, well...some one has been mighty busy in the kitchen. Nice job on all items.
good catch up. i have about 5 recipes to catch upn - a couple from before I joined TWD and the other few are the very few that I have missed. You have reminded that i need to do a catch up! oh, and the biscuits look great
Nice! I have the same problem--there's a big backlog of pictures without write-ups waiting to be posted. Why is it so much easier to bake than to blog about baking? Love your catch-up, though!
Nice round up. My biscuits were a bit dense as well, but darn tasty. I loved Big Bill's carrot cake and have made it a number of times since joining TWD.
Weel you certainly made lots of friens ! Gorgeous results !!
Funny, but I live in the south and had NEVER heard of SP Biscuits. SP bread, yes, but not biscuits.
Mine were flat and vague in taste. Glad yours worked out.
Rst of the 'ketchups' look great.
I'd never heard of sweet potato biscuits before, but it sounds like most people thought they were really tasty. I skipped those, but did make Big Bill's Carrot Cake. I liked it a lot!
Look at all that yummy home-baked goodness. It all looks wonderful! I've been meaning to play catch up too but still haven't done it yet.
An amazing 'ketchup' You sure did a LOT of baking!!
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