Am I among the legions of raisin-haters, you ask? Nope, just in with the perpetually forgetful. The raisins were there on the counter, measured out, awaiting their fate, but that's as far as they got. Oops.

Can you tell just by looking... how wonderful it was? I had a houseload of kids and neighbor-kids over the day I made this and the stats prove it. Five out of six kids wolfed this down, still warm from the oven with butter and a sprinkling of sugar. It tasted like the world's best ever cinnamon toast.
Susan of Food.Baby picked Raisin Swirl Bread for this week's Tuesday's with Dorie recipe. You can find the recipe on her blog or in Dorie Greenspan's book "Baking, From my Home to Yours". Thanks, Susan, great pick!
I love raisins, but would rather have this bread without them. Looks great! Glad your house full liked it. I was afraid mine wouldn't eat it, so I made it in to cinnamon rolls.
I left the raisins out and added cinnamon chips instead! Im glad all the kids enjoyed the bread! It looks yummmy!!
Your bread looks yummy! I don't doubt for a second that a house full of kids took care of your baked good. It happens every time in my house especially when I have 4 or 5 teenagers visiting. I've learned to make double the batch then ;o)
I'm not in the raisin fan club, but this bread really didn't need more than cinnamon, cocoa and butter love. :)
Your loaf looks perfect!
No raisins in mine either.
I'd rather eat grapes.
Your bread looks perfect.
good job on a perfecftly shaped loaf and perfectly centered swirl!
Your bread looks beautiful!
i'm sure kids would adore this! i left out the raisins to please my picky husband and loved it so much!
Raisins or not, this bread looks fantastic!
Don't feel aren't the only one who left their raisins sitting on the counter. :) Your bread looks great even without them. :)
I don't think you were the only one who left the raisins on the counter :-) I loved this bread!
So pretty and you can't argue if it gets the thumbs up from a group of kids.
Wow, what a score! I am so glad I am not the only one who has intentions of adding an ingredient and, woops, I forgot. Its providence! he he Anyway, so fun that all the kids in the house liked it. What a great memory, they will not soon forget. Your bread looks amazing.
Wow, love bread with raisins...your bread sure looks so fluffy and light...yummie!
That is a beautiful raisin bread..a perfect swirl. I have to make this for my Dad..wish I had thought of it for Father's he's a raisin bread fanatic!
I love raisins, so if you loved this without them, I'm sure they would be amazing with them!!
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