Mmm, yea, finally we're making cookies again at Tuesday's with Dorie. Jodie of Beansy Loves Cake decided on Dulce de Leche Duos for this week's recipe. Thanks Jodie, these were fantastic!
I had planned on including a photo of a big overflowing plate of cookies, but they disappeared so fast I only had two left!
By themselves, the cookies weren't terribly exciting, but once they were sandwiched with a layer of dulce de leche between... that made all the difference. They softened up too, even the slightly overbaked ones (not that I overbaked any, coughcough).
OK, that's about it, folks! If you'd like to try them, please check out Jodie's blog or find a copy of Dorie Greenspan's book, "Baking, From my Home to Yours".
P.S. Sorry for the short posts lately, I've been spending more time working out than baking and blogging lately. Seems all of this baking can actually make you gain weight! Go figure!
Mine didn't turn out very pretty, but they taste so wonderful
Wow. Your cookies turned out perfectly round and not as flat as mine. I'm jealous! Great job.
Your cookies look great!
Blogging and baking is fun but working out I think is better in the long run. I'm working on that more, too. We'll see! Your cookies look delicious and I'm glad they were a hit!
Agree that these cookies are yummy! and you've just reminded me that I should spend more time working out too. ;-)
Your cookies turned out beautifully!
They look great. Mine were extra soft, too! Thanks for baking!
Yes, nice round cookies -they look perfect! I agree, the DDL filling really MADE these cookies. It was hard to stop eating them while filling! Nicely done!
I really liked these without the filling, but once I tried it with I really could not stop eating them!
After seeing all these pictures, I've decided that I HAVE to make these!!
Your cookies look gorgeous! I've been forced to spend more time working out lately. I've dug out my old Cindy Crawford workout dvd, I swear by it when my jeans get a little too tight!
My overbaked ones got softer, too! That makes these magical cookies! Haha! Yours look fantastic!
I can relate to the need to work out. I've been seriously questioning if I should keep doing this!! Especially since my coworkers have forbidden me to bring any more sweets for awhile.
Your cookies look perfect! I didn't get around to making these, but think I will have to since they seem to be such a bit hit with everyone. :)
well, your last two cookies look fantastic! I love how caramel-y they look (and taste!) these were so yummy!
Great looking cookies! If I spent the time working out that I spend on cooking and baking I'd look better than I did when I was 16!
Beautiful cookies! I felt the opposite way you did - I enjoyed the cookies on their own but with the dulce in the middle, I found them too sweet. To each his own :) Good for you on the working out - I should be doing the same!
i like the thickness of your cookies. perfect ratio to the DDL.
These look marvelous! I had to do a rewind this week, didn't have the ingredients. Still want to make them though!
They look great! I liked them plain and filled.
Those are two great looking duos!
I know, who knew that about the baking and weight gain and WHY didn't anyone tell me! ;)
Obviously they were wonderful since you only had the two left! :) Great photo!
These disappeared really fast at work too, I thought they were a bit too sweet but my colleagues loved them!
How funny that there were only a couple left to photograph, they look yummy! Nice job on the working out; I recently realized how the baking groups take their toll on your weight.
Oh yummy! Dulce de leche is my favorite spread, so I know I'd love this.
Yep. The bigger the baking book, the bigger the hips.....
Anyway. cookies look perfect. Had to freeze mine. WAAAAAY toooo tempting.
Your cookies look they turned out really well! We loved them here too - alone, sandiwiched, whatever!
Yours are so pretty! These disappeared fast here too.
Picture perfect cookies.They were good. I guess I need to get to the gym too.
Hahah, it's funny you mention overbaking, because I was wishing I'd baked mine longer so they got crisper! Different strokes, I guess...
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