I have a long lasting love of Solo-brand fillings and pastes. My grandma's recipe box had a recipe card with "Solo Almond Kringel" and when she made it.... mmmm, this almond-filled breakfast pastry was like heaven on a plate.
When I tried the Almond Kringle myself, I was rewarded with not only a piece of the aforementioned heaven, but memories of my grandma to boot.
So, naturally, when I was craving an almondy treat (after the French Pear Tart left me wanting more of that almond taste), I bought myself a can of Solo Almond Paste and headed over to Solo's website. I wanted something portable so I started looking through the cookie recipes. And there it was, my soon-to-be new favorite cookie, the Bonket - Dutch Almond Rollettes.
Interestingly, when I googled "Bonket" I came up empty handed. It took a while to figure out that these are more commonly called "Banket", a Dutch cookie.
They're made up of an almond filling, which is stretched into a log and wrapped with a pastry dough that has been rolled out into a rectangle.

They looked so neat and tidy before baking.

They do spread during baking... oops, see where the filling has oozed out?

Once sliced, they are quite fragile. I wouldn't expect these would travel very well.

They are absolutely delicious, if you like almond. If you'd like to try them, you can find the recipe ----> here.
And no, I'm in no way affiliated with Solo, I just love their products. I've cheated and used their raspberry filling in layer cakes more times than I can count. (It's also awesome layered with cream cheese icing and used as a cake filling.)
OK, over and out!
I love almond everything. Can't wait to try these. I have some almond paste at home!
Wow those look incredibly tasty.
I love almond paste - especially as a filling for croissants. I'll just admire those from afar for now.....
Oh my goodness, does this look delicious! I love that recipes can bring back such powerful memories--and tasty treats, to boot. Looks wonderful!
They look delicious. Almond paste is the bomb!
this looks such a yummy treat :) I love almond recipes.Have to try these :)
Your banketstaaf looks delicious!! We usually eat this at Sinterklaas, Christmas and sometimes Easter. They are indeed quite fragile!! Ow and in Holland sometimes they are dusted with some icing sugar, or decorated ith some candied cherries and a glaze of marmelade.
OMG! What a coincidence that you write about Solo's Almond Filling! I've know this product only for the past 2, 3 years, For it is impossible to get in Canada (or very, very hard!) and I had to beg down on my knees an American blogger, for her to send me some (of course I sent her a nice package in return!). But needless to say, I finally got my 2 cans of almond filling... which are preciously kept in my pantry for when the perfect moment comes! LOL
Your cookies seem totaly out of this world, what could be bad: puff pastry and almond filling! C'mon!!! I've been to Holland last summer... and I can vouch... their pastries and cookies have that most wonderful butter taste; some of the best treats I've eaten!
P.s.: I'm so glad you enjoyed the cottage cheese song! LOL I'm happy it put a smile on your face (or at least, left you speachless!!! LOL)
gosh, i love anything almond flavored particularly almond flavored pastries. these truly look heavenly!
Our Dutch neighbors brought us this roulade on Christmas and we just loved loved it! I am so glad I found the recipe here. Will save it and try it one day. Thank you!
My Oma, (Dutch for Grandman), makes this all the time. It actually does travel quite well if you wrap it up in tin foil
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