Since I decorate cakes so seldom these days, I figure that when I do, it needs to be duly noted and documented and so forth.
My dear, sweet former neighbor and first ever real-live paying "customer" from way back in my cakin' days emailed me recently and asked if I was still "doing cakes" as she wanted something special for her daughter's First Communion. Um, I didn't really know... do I? or don't I? More importantly, do I even remember how? Could I produce a cake that I wouldn't be embarrassed to bestow on others?

I went back and forth in my mind, I hemmed and hawed, but then finally sure "sure I can!" all the while wondering if it was so.
I'm happy that it was a fairly simple design, with lots of pretty flowers to cover up the boo-boo's in my icing job (believe it or not, one of the hardest things to master is clean, smooth icing).

So anyway, there it is... duly noted and documented for all time, or at least as long as the Internet is alive and well, LOL.
The "ribbon" is made of fondant and the flowers... I used a primrose cutter and made them from gumpaste.
Thanks so much for stopping by!
That looks beautiful and well done! I can't believe it's not fondant under all those flowers!
WOW, so awesome! I'm glad you made the cake & documented it here. :)
Oh yeah, I guess you can! I want one! Just like that one! So so pretty! I bet they were all just thrilled with this cake.
Absolutely gorgeous, any one would be happy to have such a cake!
This cake looks AMAZING! You are very talented. I've seen cakes from bakeries that weren't even that pretty. I bet any little girl would be happy to receive it, heck my 17 year old girl would be happy to receive it :o)
What a beautiful cake! :)
The cake looks beautiful, Jacque :) Very cute. You really should do more cakes :)
Your cake turned out beautifully! Great job!
Astonishing cake. I am speechless. it's gorgeous ... wow!
What a stunning cake! Absolutely beautiful!
Wow Jacque ! This is one of the nicest cakes !! And if the flowers covers some problem..well better !
Gorgeous! You have a gift for working with sugar.
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