The April 2010 Daring Bakers’ challenge was hosted by Esther of The Lilac Kitchen. She challenged everyone to make a traditional British pudding using, if possible, a very traditional British ingredient: suet.
For those that don't know, a "traditional British pudding" is a dessert that is cooked by steaming. It's more cake or pie-like than it is like typical American-style pudding. Esther also added a very interesting ingredient challenge, suet, a solid fat that comes from cows.
I wasn't quite up to using the suet as-is, since I didn't know the good parts from the bad, so I heated it until the fat liquefied then I strained it through cheesecloth. Below you can see the suet raw, after straining, and once it's had a chance to harden back up.

I guess I shouldn't have been surprised by how beef-ish my house smelled afterwards.
OK, so far, so good. I decided to mix the suet crust in the food processor. Here you can see pre- and post-processing (say that three times fast).

I lined my Pyrex blow with the crust and added apples mixed with sugar, cinnamon, and lemon juice to the brim.
I have to admit I had my doubts when I noticed my crust tasted ever so slightly beefy.

Oops, didn't have quite enough crust left to cover the top properly. But, since the top would eventually become the bottom, I didn't sweat it.

I sprinkled the top with sugar and a little bit of Lyle's Golden Syrup.

It was at this point that I sadly realized that this particular "pudding" isn't actually steamed. It's baked. D'oh! Looks like I'm only only half finished with this challenge. But anyway, here's the pudding after baking and unmolding.

Isn't it pretty? It was delish too. The pastry was pleasingly flaky and crumbly, and didn't taste like beef after all. It was very good with apples. I would definitely try this again.
I chose to made the Toffee Apple Pudding from The Pudding Club website (recipe is---> HERE.)
OK, that's all folks. Thanks so much, Esther! I really enjoyed trying this most interesting dessert.
You are truly daring, to go with the suet! Great job <3
I'm impressed that you, unlike many others, went ahead with the suet. I'm not even sure where I would have found that. I think you did a great job as always :o)
I went with a suet crust too, but I just didn't like the taste of it. Maybe I should have added more salt, or maybe it was me, remembering the smells of the rendering! Your apple pudding looks delicious, and I'm glad you like it!
Good job on using the suet! The toffee apple recipe sounds like a good one. :)
Even though suet doesn't make me want to scream for joy, I would devour that toffee apple, crusty goodness. Scrumptious looking and beautifully done!!
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