If you can believe the folks over at NY Apple country, the world's longest apple peel was created by Kathy Wafler Madison on October 16, 1976, in Rochester, NY. It was 172 feet, 4 inches long. She was 16 years old at the time.
That's about as long as half of a football field, including one end zone. Way to go, Kathy!
I wonder if there's a record for "Number of Apples Peeled in a Lifetime". I'm pretty sure I would be in contention to break that record someday.

So it was with confidence that I tackled this week's Tuesday's with Dorie recipe, Parisian Apple Tartlet. Thanks to Jessica of My Baking Heart for this great pick.
Talk about an easy recipe! Peeling the apple was the hardest part. You take a circle of puff pastry, arrange four apple sections on top, and sprinkle on some brown sugar and butter.

Pop it in the oven and you're done!

And how were they? Surprisingly delicious! At first, I thought they tasted like warm, soft apples. But when combined with the brown sugar-glazed, flaky crust? Awesome! It was even better in the spots where the sugar ran over the sides and caramelized along the bottom.
My only "criticism", and it's not even really a criticism, is that the apples are pretty bare by the time they come out of the oven. At least mine were. There was no brown-sugary goodness on top, like in the picture in the book. No problem, though. I grabbed some caramel and started drizzling, more for looks than anything.
OK, chalk it up as another successful week for TWD. If you'd like to see the recipe, please stop by Jessica's site above, or check out Dorie Greenspan's book, "Baking, From my Home to Yours".
Mine were bare, but I think it's because I was stingy with the apples. You make this sound so yummy, I kinda wish i bought the puff pastry.
these look nice and worth a try :)
They look like the photo from the book!
I agree that they look just like the book, so you did a fabulous job, Jacque. But the caramel sure was a tasty idea!
had the same issue with the bare apples. Toward the end of baking time I tossed on some more brown sugar and that solved it ;)
see, I read blogs and learn at the same time--who knew about the longest apple peel?!
I agree--they are great, but the apples do tend to lose the moistness you get when, say, they are inside a pie. But still, I loved. (and am liking the caramel idea!!)
This looks sooooo good!! I'm so making these today!!
I spritzed mine with cinnamon too.
I wondered how to cut these right....I didn't.
Niiiiiice! Well done Jacque! Isn't it great to have a dessert that can be done in a few steps that only take a couple of minutes... LOL Can't even call it a recipe anymore, huh!? LOL
172 feet of peel? From one apple? Can that be?
At least we are all certain about how delicious this dessert was. And how few dirty bowls there were. Yay!
Thanks so much for baking with me this week! :) I had trouble with the butter/sugar combo staying on, too!
They look beautiful! Good idea with the caramel - I could have used that on mine.
They look great, good call on the caramel.
Gorgeous! This recipe alone is reason enough to keep puff pastry in the freezer for "emergencies." I don't know about you but I don't need much of a reason to use caramel!
These look yummy! After reading endless TWD blogs, it took the picture in yours for me to finally understand these!
that's an impressive peeling, and that's an impressive tart. or tartlet, i guess i should say. whatever, they're magnificent. :)
Hi Jacque, I just want to say that I have a new love in life...your blog. I read the entire thing in the last few days. I'd love to do all the baking you do. I need to find some more eaters first though. Thank you so much for sharing all of this!
They look like the photo from the book! The caramel was a very goog idea! Nicely done!
This is high on my things to make, I adore apple desserts. This is so easy to make with great results!
They look fantastic! I love the simplicity of this one. LOVE the caramel idea - I will have to try that next time.
Wow that's one looooong apple peel! My brown sugar all ran off the top too, but I just served it with ice cream ;)
Your Parisian Apple Tartlet looks delicious! I wish I had thought of adding caramel sauce to drizzle over too!
Hi, there! I have recently begun following your blog and I must say that I am thoroughly enjoying myself!
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(I hope you are ok with this?)
Now I''m tempted to make these!
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