When I was in 9th grade, we had our first *real* dance, complete with long dresses, corsages, and dinner out with our dates.
The theme song for the dance was put to a vote beforehand. I'm pretty sure the school staff was not amused when the ballots were counted and the winning song turned out to be "Another Brick in The Wall" by Pink Floyd.

(For the not-Pink-Floyd-fans out there, it's a decidedly anti-education song.)
Anyway, the end of the song always stood out in my mind, the part where the meanie school-master is screaming:
"If you don't eat your meat, you can't have any pudding.
How can you have any pudding if you don't eat your meat?"
It was many, many years later that I learned that the pudding of which they spoke was not the same pudding I knew and loved. (It's still not clear to me what makes a pudding a pudding, I might add.)
And so I sit and ponder what exactly makes a pudding a pudding as I nosh on this month's Daring Bakers challenge, Bakewell Tart... er... pudding, and watch Pink Floyd videos on YouTube.

This particular... I'll just call it "dessert"... was fairly simple. A tart crust is filled with a thin layer of jam and then frangipane, an almond filling, and baked. I have to admit that I thought it was just OK the first day. It was a tad dry. But by the second day, it was pretty good!
My mediocre first impression might have been my fault... I used a mini pie pan rather than a tart pan, so mine was thicker than it was supposed to be, I think. I'm thinking a higher proportion of jam to frangipane would have made it more appealing.
It's definitely worth another try.
The June Daring Bakers' challenge was hosted by Jasmine of Confessions of a Cardamom Addict and Annemarie of Ambrosia and Nectar. They chose a Traditional (UK) Bakewell Tart... er... pudding that was inspired by a rich baking history dating back to the 1800's in England. Thanks ladies!
See you next month!
Looks great!! I"m not doing them right now with all that went on, and my computer being broken I've not even seen this months theme. You did a great job!
Yes it is much better the next few days. Yours pixs are nice and clear. Good to hear this isa keeper. Cheers.
mon beau-père ne finit jamais ses assiettes, pour avoir de la place, pour manger du dessert ! lol ! ( il a 74 ans )...
c'est très réussi :)
Wow - hearing Pink Floyd's song really brings back junior high memories!
Great looking tart - I've never made one but I should because my mom is English!
That song was stuck in my head too! Great job!
I agree with you, it’s better the next day and it’s definitely a keeper. Nicely done!
Pink Floyd? Lol! Reminds me of the time I was the soloist at a wedding and the bride asked me to sing "Dust in the Wind" during the ceremony. (I doubt they're still together!)
I think your tart turned out great! The frangipane was the best part!
Love the story - too funny! I went mini as well, and had to up the jam so it wasn't overwhelmed by the frangipane. Yours looks beautiful!
It looks so nice and thick! Glad to know they taste better the next day. I sent them over to my grandmother because she likes tarts.
Your tart looks lovely! Great job on this month's challenge.
Jazque, your tart look AMAZING, and I loved the refernce to the The Wall ending..always got into 'if you don't eat your meat, you can't have any pudding' - perfect relation to this tart or err, pudding! Beautiful job all around!
It looks pretty! I love that Pink Floyd song!
looks grat, but I think it would taste better with a thinner layer of frangipane
Looks great! And I love the song!!
hey! teacher! leave them kids alone! i'm pretty excited about the idea of this dessert--thanks for your honest review of it!
Hahahaha you know what is sad is that now, if Another Brick in the Wall was nominated, all of the students would be suspended and they would shut down the school.
The tart looks great!
Your Bakewell looks gorgeous. I love Pink Floyd. There's a dance remix of Another Brick. It's called "Proper Education" by Eric Prydz vs. Floyd. Love it.
Tee hee! Good job on the Floyd reference.
Thanks for participating.
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