For this week's edition of Tuesday's with Dorie, Shari of Whisk: a food blog chose Floating Islands.
This French dessert definitely falls in the "woulda-never-tried-this-in-a-million-years-if-not-for-Tuesday's-with-Dorie" category. I've never even heard of such a dessert. But boy, I'm glad I have. What a tasty, unique treat.

It was like a custard soup with sweet clouds of meringue floating about. As you can see, I went the lazy route and used strawberry sauce in place of the recommended caramel drizzle. Talk about delish! Like a deconstructed strawberry ice cream (I got more generous with the strawberry sauce in the post photo-shoot servings.)
The "soup" was creme anglais, which gave me no problems. I made half of a batch, so it got to the right temperature in no time. It wasn't thick-thick, like pasty cream. I assume it was supposed to be somewhat runny.
The meringue clouds... those were so interesting. I had no idea what to expect when poaching them. I half expected them to dissolve before my very eyes.

But, no. (I still can't believe they stayed intact.) I overcooked a few of them - you can see those flat little eggies in the back.

Many, many thanks to Shari for introducing me to this lovely dessert. I really enjoyed making and tasting it. Very delish!

If you'd like to peek at the recipe, maybe even give it a try, see Shari's blog, or check out Dorie Greenspan's book "Baking: From My Home to Yours".
You did such a nice job forming your ovals! My creme anglaise was exactly like yours. I agree that I'd have never made this dessert, but we liked it and I learned some new techniques. A bit of a headache, but it all ended with a yummy reward. Love your seasonal strawberry!
yours look very nice. we loved this one, it's my new favorite right now. :)
I felt the same way -- probably never would have tried these, but so glad I did! Your spots of bright red strawberry in the creme anglaise are gorgeous.
I ended up using 1% milk in this (saw your question on the TWD P&Q), and it turned out fine.
So gorgeous! You did a great job with this dessert!
yum- deconstructed strawberry ice cream!
Your meringues are perfect ovals - nicely done! The addition of strawberry is a great idea, I would have never thought of that. We loved this recipe!
wow, your meringue is perfect! And I just love the dish you served them in!!
It was a fun one! Your meringues look like they are the perfect shape!
Wow, your little eggies look so perfect...unlike mine, a very elegant presentation!
The flat ones made me laugh - like a deflated marshmallow. But creme anglaise - oooh, that's the good stuff!
i'll take the ocean, someone else can take the island. (i've never been fond of meringue.) one-of-a-kind treat, jacque!
The strawberry sauce looks and sounds yummy. I loved the creme anglaise. Your islands look great!
Wow, these looks so good! I still have to make mine: I actually made the World Peace Cookies this week.... Oops...
Yours looks just lovely!
It looks so pretty with the strawberry sauce. Fantastic job!
Poaching meringue amazed me too! I loved it. Your islands look lovely and I bet the flavor of strawberry sauce worked great.
I've never heard of this either, your presentation is just beautiful I love the plate! It looks delicious!
you were far braver than i...i skipped this week, partially because i wanted to make a different dessert, but mostly because i didn't have the energy to make something so complicated. but you did a beautiful job of showing each step. love the final product...and looove the dish!
Yours turned out beautifully! I could easily dive right in!
Very pretty photo and plate and how did you keep the shape so nicely? Darn ... mine huffed and puffed themselves somewhat out of shape. I'm in that lump who would have never made if not for TWD. So see, we are cool! ha ha
Besides I loved them as well.
these look great! i'm glad you liked it! i hope to make it soon!
The islands are elegant, but your bowl adds that over the top effect. Beautiful. And with Strawberry. Um! Um! Um!
Thank you so much everyone!
I picked up that plate from a clearance rack last time I traveled through Columbus, OH. I wish I had a whole set!
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