This has been a much anticipated week at Tuesday's with Dorie. The Devil's Food White Out Cake that is pictured on the cover of Dorie Greenspan's cookbook "Baking: From my Home to Yours" was finally chosen. We have Stephanie of Confessions of a City Eater to thank for that.

I think one natural by-product of baking every week, even multiple times per week, is that you eventually become a tougher critic. You can't help it. The more you bake, the bigger the pool of recipes you have to compare the new ones to.
I feel like I've become a tough critic. Almost like something has to be REALLY good in order to get two thumbs up from me.

In spite of being a tough crowd, I suspect that most people are going to love this cake. It had dreamy light and billowy frosting and a deep chocolate cake studded with bits of solid chocolate.
On the plus side, it's a lovely cake that practically begs to be tasted. The cake was a deep chocolate color with a nice chocolaty flavor. The meringue icing was light and fluffy... a real dream.
On the down side, I thought the meringue had a hint of cream of tarter aftertaste. If I made this again, I might cut back on the cream of tarter, or maybe leave it out altogether. Also, and I know this is my nit-picky perfectionist side talking, but I thought it was messy to serve and it didn't slice well, or at least mine didn't. It didn't look too hot after we dug into it a few times.

(By the way, I made half the recipe and used 5-inch pans. I didn't seem to have the rising problems that some folks reported but I suspect it might be because of the less than half-sized pans I used.)
Overall, it was a decent cake that gets high marks for the "wow" factor. Thanks so much to Stephanie for picking this cake. You can check out Dorie's book or Stephanie's site for the recipe.
Yum is all I can say!! This looks amazing, now I feel bad for not making the cake because of lack of the thermometer.... Looks like I'll have to buy one very soon!!
I wish mine had risen, but it tasted fine in just two layers. Since I haven't baked too much, my pool of recipes fro comparison is pretty shallow. I was impressed that I even got this one done!
I didn't have that after taste that many people had, maybe because mine sat overnight first? Not sure. Anyway, glad you liked it!
I thought that it tasted way to much of cream of tartar too.
I wish I had gone with the 7 Minute frosting instead.
I love the height of your cake! I totally know what you mean about being a tougher critic as the pool of recipes expand. I used to love epicurious's double chocoalte cake, but then I started baking butter based cakes and could really notice a difference. Life was so much simpler when I just made a recipe no questions asked..hahah
Sometimes though, no matter how delicious, the wow factor can be even more important for some people.
Your cake looks delicious! Nothing wrong with being a food critic...it's how the best recipes are born! Although, from the looks of your pictures, there's not much to criticize about your cake; it looks fantastic!
This is a cool looking cake! Nice job!
Yes, I didn't like the taste of the frosting either, but I did love the taste of the cake! The cake looks great!!! And I'd probably just grab a fork and dig in to the cake in the second photo!
Ha ha - I love the last shot of cake, it looks like it's going to tip over!
That is a beautiful cake! Maybe it would be easier to slice right after it comes out of the refrig, and then let the slices come to room temperature? I chickened out and made it as cupcakes.
i've never been impressed by the flavor of meringue, but it sure makes for a pretty cake! nicely done, jacque!
I loved this cake. I used whipped cream rather than the filling, and I think i liked that better as it wasnt too sweet.
I didn't get a cream of tartar flavor from the frosting. Your cake looks great, and at least messy cutting doesn't change the taste.
Agreed on the cream of tartar aftertaste --- i think the frosting could hold its own without it. Beautiful job on your cake!!!
i didn't get a cream of tartar taste on mine. yeah, i'm starting to build up a nice pool of recipes to compare to, but i've noticed i'm a way tougher critic on things i cook compare to things i bake. i'm so biased towards sweets. :)
This was my first frosting with cream of tartar and I thought it tasted odd too. It sure looks beautiful though!
I'm glad your a food critic about what you bake cause I know if you like it, it's good...period. It looks wonderful and makes me want to dive face first into it!
I think its age and I've tasted way many choc-o-cakes. he he. Do you think they froze Dorie's cake to get such a clean slice? Mine looked messy too. Although I only took one slice and sent the rest to work with hubs. Your cake really looks so nice and I agree with the whole Black on White WOW! I liked Leslie's cupcakes. That seems more appropriate for this whole flavor combo.
That looks AMAZING! I always get jealous when you TWD bakers come out with your posts ;)
Your cake looks great!
Your cake looks super good! I'm glad you didn't have any problems with it and that you enjoyed it!
Your cake looks fantastic. So glad you enjoyed it :)
It was a really pretty cake and you did a great job. I agree with you about being my own toughest critic. I had a bit of that after taste when I finished the frosting, but as the cake sat, it seemed to disappear. Again, nice job!
Your cake could be on the cover. It is beautiful. Mine didn't slice well either. Dorie said to saw, but.....
My mom always used C of T when she made meringues. I couldn't taste it, but others said they could too.
Your cake looks wonderful... DH hovering over my shoulder & would like a slice ;-)
Wow! I love the height on this! Incredible!
This looks fantastic! Sorry you weren't all that happy with it - I love your frosting - so white and fuffy! I had a lot of problems with mine. Love your Coconut cake too!
I like the shape of yours, taller and thinner than standard. It looks delicious!
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